Business Seller’s Index Guide selling a business explained by bizology business brokers

"A business is worth only what someone is willing to pay for it...
and that is market." cb

 Buyer's Sample Questions

Buyers Question Sellers

Download A 200-Point Due Diligence Checklist

Seller Financing Consequences

Seller Carry Back Notes

Seller's Business Disclosure

Seller's Proceeds

For Sale By Owner

Business Information

Business Information

Request For Information

Sellers Ask Questions

Seller's Confidentiality

Seller's Common Mistakes

Partners and Fraud

Business Requests

Faxed by a California buyer before he would fly out to see a business

These are some of the questions you can expect a buyer to ask

A prepared seller, will know what a buyer is going to look at...

The answers to all your questions you have about what if...

You can sell those notes, prepare before the sale

This is regarding adverse conditions that could affect value

What you should really expect from the sale of the business

Advertise your business yourself for $50 for three months

A very concise report of all pertinent facts on the business

Extremely detailed 20-30 page presentation for a larger business

To proceed with marketing, we need certain information

Some of your responses and questions about selling your business

Yes, you may be asked to keep things confidential regarding the buyer

Eight most common misconceptions in selecting a business broker

Red flags to look for if you suspect a partner or employee of fraud

Actual requests for certain businesses

Bizology - the study of business for sale

email to : info [at] bizology [dot] com
Chambersburg, PA 17201-1712
* SELLING * | buyer questions | buyers ask | seller finance | business disclosure | seller proceeds |
| information list short | business information long | records needed | seller questions | seller non-disclosure |
| seller carryback notes. | seller mistakes | partner fraud | business requests | | main index | | you are in SELLING now |



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